5 Myths About Street Dogs

5 Myths About Street Dogs

1. Street Dogs Are Strays: Many street dogs in India are actually part of a community and have a social structure, family, and home range. Not all of them have strayed from or been abandoned. They are not necessarily strays and may not be in need of rescue or adoption.

2. Street Dogs Are Not Intelligent: Street dogs are intelligent and have the ability to learn, problem-solve, and form relationships. They have unique personalities and are capable of experiencing a wide range of emotions.

3. Street Dogs Are Carriers Of Diseases: While it is true that street dogs can carry diseases, they are no more likely to carry diseases than in-house dogs. In fact, in-house dogs that are not properly vaccinated are also at a higher risk of contracting and spreading diseases.

4. Street Dogs Are Not Adoptable: Some people believe that street dogs are not suitable for adoption and that they will not make good in-house dogs, but this is not true. With proper care and loads of love, street dogs can do wonders. Keep in mind to always prioritize dog’s choices if you intend to give a home for a teenage or adult street dog. Some street dogs are very clear about freedom on the road and the ability to roam around like they prefer.

5. Street Dogs Are Dangerous: Street dogs that are fed and cared for by local communities are often friendly and may even act as protectors of their area. Some people view street dogs as pests or nuisances and believe they should be removed from their communities. However, street dogs play an important role in maintaining a healthy ecosystem and can be valued members of their communities.
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